Tatenen, the gold scorpion in the center with gray and black, master of the other four, and a priest of the Snake goddess Renenutet.
Shandi the upright dark brown spider with green eyes; body slave to Tatenen, twin brother of Furjandi.
Furjandi the lying down dark brown spider with purple eyes; housekeeper and groundskeeper, twin brother of Shandi.
Zepe'le the tan spider; great-great-grandfather of the chief huntress Pelm, messenger to Tatenen and runner.
Acherus the caterpillar; cook and body slave to Tatenen.
All of them live in the Dust era of Meddus; on the backside of the Ashen city where a small oasis and tunnel back to the city resides. Carved into the stone of the cliffside is Tatenen's home, with a series of tunnels that connect back to the colony in order for escape from ferals and old bloods.