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 Fog in the Glass - Kittariku

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Posts : 535
Join date : 2009-09-14
Age : 40

Fog in the Glass - Kittariku Empty
PostSubject: Fog in the Glass - Kittariku   Fog in the Glass - Kittariku EmptyWed Dec 01, 2010 3:15 pm

Name: Haddy
Title: Chief Huntress
Sex: Female
Orientation: Bisexual
Age: 28
Height: 6'1''
Weight: ~245lbs
Distinction: New Blood
Race: Dromos
Species: Australian Bark Scorpion
Home: The Hook, Pentra
Appearance: Fog in the Glass - Kittariku Spirit___completed_by_shayiss-d30wwju
Personality: Haddy, because of her past, has had a difficult time opening up to anyone other than her younger brother, Holz. When she was younger she watched her father murder her mother, abuse and beat Holz, and experienced rape from her father as well. Despite all of this, she is very soft and accepting, willing to look past any mistakes a person could make. She is stern, but forgiving.
Likes: (food) grilled / roasted meats, sweet things, dried / cured meats. (activities) hunting, singing, dancing with her tribe.
Dislikes: (things) fruits, being told what to do. (activities) losing.

Unique features: Haddy's voice is a female's tenor, low enough that she can pass of for a male, but still high enough that if one paid attention they would know she is female. Her body is androgynous, so she is often mistaken for a male.
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Fog in the Glass - Kittariku
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