This shall list ALL the Characters in Meddus so we have no confusion on who belongs to who and for those who make a new Bug can see what name is taken.
Please put ALL your Characters in one post.
Please you use the race they would fall into in the Race chart. you are not sure of where your character falls into. Just post the bug it was based off of and I shall file it into a Race for you.
Follow this form or I will not post your bugs! Unless you are unsure of the Race of your bugs in which I will change that for you based on your bugs species.
Name the Race (owner's name) A:
Ai the Piller (NPC)
Agrimony the Mantos (Zaiats)
Aeira the Mantos (Zarashi)
Aki the Scarabin (Alucardy2000)
Albar the Scarabin (Pandablubb)
Alice the Myrian (NPC)
Alkali the Hyme (NPC/Kittariku)
Altus the Anisian (Middernacht)
Andari the Hyme (Kittariku)
Anise the Mantos (peanutchan)
Anmut the Hemitian (Kittariku)
Antridos the Hyme (bittybit)
Apex the Hyme (Zaiats)
Apexis the Ptyregon (Jackoman)
Aria the Scarabin/Hyme (Kittariku / Peanutchan)
Arsine the Hyme (Kittariku)
Ash the Apocrin (Kittariku)
Atlas the Scarabin (NPC)
Atra the Hyme (Kittariku)
Aurum the Pterygon (Kittariku)
Autumn the Pillar (Nanova)
Ayo the Anisian (Kittariku)
Banshii Hemitian (NPC)
Beetwick Granbury the Anisian (wachey)
Ben the Arachin (peanutchan)
Billy the Arachin (peanutchan)
Blau the Hyme (taintedtamer)
Blight the Hyme (peanutchan)
Blix the Myrian ( Mouse)
Bobby Ray the Arachin (peanutchan)
Boone Wilson the Hyme (Zarashi)
Boy the Scarabin (Mouse)
Bramble the Hyme (NPC/peanutchan)
Buahmanis the Arachin (Zaiats)
Buck the Hyme (jackoman)
Caliban the Hemitian (jackoman)
Carroso Daisetta the Anisian (wachey)
Cedro the Rhoparan (Alucardy2000)
Ceesev Abernathy the Anisian (wachey)
Ceres the Lepidoran (Mouse)
Cho the Rhoparan (Susanoreborn)
Choda the "Old Blood" Scarabin (Kittariku)
Chrisja Wharton the Anisian (wachey)
Chryso the Lepidoran (Kittariku)
Cobalt the Arachin (Alucardy2000)
Convoy the Myrian (Zaiats)
Cotton the Hyme (NPC/peanutchan)
Crash the Lepidoran (Nanova)
Crimm the Woolly aphid (Nanova)
Daedian the Rhoparan (bittybit)
Danix Abernathy the Anisian (wachey)
Decima the Arachin (NPC)
Deva the Lepidoran (mouse)
Dusk the Scarabin (Alucardy2000)
Elijah the Arachin (Nanova)
Emal Abernathy the Anisian (wachey)
Eureka the Hyme (Middernacht)
Evret the Arachin (peanutchan/wooden-flashlight)
Fallon the Hyme (Nanova)
Fanindra the Pillar (Kittariku)
Fari the Arachin (Zarashi)
Fife the Scarabin (peanutchan/taintedtamer)
Fig the Hyme (NPC/peanutchan)
Flit the Anision (OnlyAshes)
Folga Jewett the Anisian (wachey)
Furrow the Scarabin (NPC/peanutchan)
Fyntre the Arachin (bittybit)
Ghost the Lepidorn (Middernacht)
Ginger the Arachin (peanutchan)
Ginseng the Lepidoran (Ten)
Gluren Haskell the Hyme (wachey)
Grant the Locun (Jackoman)
Greenbean Pasadena the Anisian (wachey)
Grendal the Scarabin (NPC/peanutchan)
Haddy the Arachin (Kittariku)
Hakizimana the Myrian (Kittariku)
Halloween the Lepidoran (Middernacht)
Harrow the Giraffe Weevil (peanutchan)
Hemlock the Scarabin (peanutchan/kittariku)
Holz the Dromos (taintedtamer)
Honeydew the Hyme (peanutchan)
Hotaru the Anisian (Susanoreborn)
Humina the Hyme (peanutchan)
Iallic the Hyme (NPC) (Kittariku)
Idouma the Pillar (Kittariku)
Ilen the Pillar (Kittariku)
Imamu the Anisian (Kittariku)
Izba the Scarabin (Jackoman)
Japier the Mantos (wachey)
Ji'Luuka the Arachin (Zarashi)
Jonquil the Arachin (Ten)
Jules the Scarabin (peanutchan)
June the Ptyregon (Middernacht)
Kael the Anision (OnlyAshes)
Karnas the Hemitian (Pandablubb)
Katy the Locun (Kittariku)
Kiha, Pygmy Arachin (taintedtamer)
Kinu'ga the Lepidoran (Susanoreborn)
Kirby the Scarabin (NPC/peanutchan)
Kreuz the Arachin (taintedtamer)
Korogi the Locun (Susanoreborn)
Kumo the Arachin (Susanoreborn)
Kyou the Pillar (Nanova)
Kyron the Arachin (bittybit)
Larosa the Anisian (wachey)
Lamprey the Gastron (Mouse)
Leanz the Hyme (taintedtamer)
Legume the Arachin (peanutchan)
Lexlur Haskell the Hyme (wachey)
Lillium the Hyme (Middernacht)
Lilith the Scarabin (NPC)
Loment the Arachin (NPC/peanutchan)
Loom the Arachin (NPC)
Luf the Hyme (taintedtamer)
Marnati the Arachin (Pandablubb)
Marni the Scarabin (peanutchan)
Miu the Hyme (Kittariku)
Melon the Locun (peanutchan)
Meuchel the Hemitian (taintedtamer)
Molly the Dictyn (Peanutchan)
Mond the Lepidoran (taintedtamer)
Morrigan the "old blood" Hyme (NPC/peanutchan)
Morta the Arachin (NPC)
Nadja the Piller (Mouse)
Naias the Scarabin (Ten)
Nananna the Lepidoran (peanutchan)
Nestles Menard the Anisian (wachey)
Nettle the Hyme (Ten)
Nikodemus the Arachin (Mouse)
Nikola the Arachin (Mouse)
Nomara the Hyme (NPC) (Kittariku)
Noments the Locun (taintedtamer)
Nona the Arachin (NPC)
Nörvasund the Myrian (NPC/peanutchan)
Oeco the Apocrin (Kittariku)
Oiedea the Hemitian (Kittariku)
Okeke the Arachin (Pandablubb)
Olekwo'l the Pygmy Arachin (Jackoman)
O'o the Arachin (peanutchan)
Padden the Dromos (wachey)
Papaya the bat (NPC)
Patches the Anisian (Nanova)
Pavilious Teague the Anisian (wachey)
Pedrico the Arachin (wachey)
Pelm the Arachin (Kittariku)
Perrywinx Daisetta the Anisian (wachey)
Phiscio Aden the Gastron (Nanova)
Phylla the Mantos (Alucardy2000)
Plantain the Arachin (Ten)
Pocket the Lepidoran (Middernacht)
Pomegranate the Scarabin (peanutchan)
Pummelo the Locun (Ten)
Prebaan Danbury the Anisian (wachey)
Que the Mantos (NPC)
Rakesh the Lepidoran (Nanova)
Reeva the Ptyregon (Nanova)
Rescen the Hyme (Kittariku)
Rhubarb the Scarabin (NPC/peanutchan)
Rista the Hyme (wachey)
Rolly the Hemitian (wachey)
Ronma the Hyme (wachey)
Rubicious Ralls the Anisian (wachey)
Samael the Hyme (NPC/peanutchan)
Scion the old blood lepidoran (kittariku)
Sela the Lepidoran (Pandablubb)
Sen the Ancient (NPC/peanutchan)
Shepherd the Myrian (Kittariku)
Sherbet the Arachin (peanutchan)
Shuri the Anisian (Alucardy2000)
Sibyl the Mantos (Ten)
Sin Khan the Myrian (peanutchan)
Sinbad the Lepidoran (wooden-flashlight)
Skald the Scarbin (Mouse)
Slade the Dromos (peanutchan)
Smith the Locun (NPC)
Sol the Mantos (Zaiats)
Sparrow the Locun (Mouse)
Stilte the Scarabin (NPC/peanutchan)
Sujin the Anisian (NPC/peanutchan)
Swivel the Ptyregon (Nanova)
Tai-rana the Pygmy Arachin (Kittariku)
Taigla the Arachin (Nanova)
Tally the Locun (Jackoman)
Terris the Hyme (Pandablubb)
Thergar the Scarabin (Alucardy2000)
Theron the Rhoparan (Nanova)
Thorn the Hyme (peanutchan)
Thrush Arachin/Hyme mimic (NPC/peanutchan)
Throts the Arachin (wachey)
Tier the Pygmy Arachin (taintedtamer)
Tobi the Arachin (Mouse)
Tombo the Anisian (Susanoreborn)
Tomi the Hemitian (Kittariku)
Traino Ames the Anisian (wachey)
Tsukimi-Hiko the Piller (NPC/peanutchan)
Tyr the Anisian (Pandablubb)
Ulidae the Anisian (Kittariku)
Udin Rae the Gastron (Kittariku)
Vaas aka King Vaas the Hime (NPC/peanutchan)
Vauhn the Mantos (Nanova)
Vegas the Old Blood Arachin (Mouse)
Venus the Mantos (wooden-flashlight)
Vespa the Old Blood Hyme (Kittariku)
Vigor,"Viggy" the Scarabin (Nanova)
Viri the Hemitian (Kittariku)
Volo Abernathy the Anisian (wachey)
Wellung the Acean (taintedtamer)
Wicga the Myrian (Kittariku)
Willow the Apocrin (Kittariku)
Wolfram the Arachin (Mouse)
Wyrd the Lepidoran (NPC/peanutchan)
Wyrm the Lepidoran (peanutchan)
Xenon the Myrian (mouse)
Xien the Pillar (Pandablubb)
Xaqie the lepidoran (kittariku)
Yomana Wharton the Anisian (wachey)
Ysbryd the Gastron (Ten)
Yurathmas the Piller (Kittariku)
Zali the Arachin (Pandablubb)
Zen the Piller (NPC)
Zetula the "Old Blood" Scarabin (Jackoman)
Ziri the Arachin (Kittariku)